Much of our time is spent thinking about past events that have been embarrassing, painful or unfair. We hold grudges and blame people for our unfortunate experiences. Our minds are consumed with these negative thoughts. This behavior does not serve us in this moment and does not help us achieve our desires in the future.
Letting go is an important part of moving on and moving up. The anger and regret is causing us pain again and again as we re-live the past. It also holds us back from being our best selves. We have all heard the saying "The best revenge is living well". This is so true. By living well I mean holding thoughts of happiness, success, love, beauty and fun. Being happy is the first step in "living well".
We forgive for ourselves. In fact we do everything for ourselves in some way. So doing what works is a really good idea. When we forgive we set ourselves free to live an awesome life. The second we change our focus and decide never to re-run the bad stuff, is the second our lives become better. Good things and experiences will start to show up all around us.
If you forgive someone, you will have to decide if you are going to let them into your life again or not. Just remember you have learned something. Be very aware of what you have learned. Is this person competitive, mean spirited, or motivated by jealousy. Try to figure out what motivated their bad behavior. Then protect yourself. Be courteous but don't reveal too much. Keep your time together short and sweet, but don't allow them to hurt you again.
The more you know the better off you will be. If you know that they can't be trusted just keep your cards close to your chest and go about living your dreams. Knowing the tools they use to cut you down , the easier it will be to put up your shield. Simply think about what they did to cause the damage. People are creatures of habit. For example if they spread lies or sabotaged other relationships you can out smart them. Think of it as a fun game, then pat yourself on the back when you figure it out. If they can't mess with you they will move on to an easier target. Even family members can be less of a pain if you don't trust the untrustworthy. Most people really don't change all that much. Learn to keep it light and fluffy.
Some people have simply been in your life far longer than they deserve to be.
Forgive yourself for not seeing the truth before you got hurt. Forgive yourself because you didn't know then what you know now. Be kind to yourself and ask yourself to be smarter from now on. Ask your instinct to be aware of danger and keep you safe from now on. If you get information or feelings that someone is going to mess with your life, be grateful that you won't be gullible any more. Letting go of the past means living a new and better future.
When you let go, you are letting go of the feelings that are eating you up. Let go of the anger. Let go of the hurt. Let go of wishing the past was different. Let go of all the details, the gossip and the repetitive thought patterns. Let go of any negative feelings of any kind.
Pat yourself on the back, you are making the first step towards living an awesome life. If you find yourself slipping back into the anger, simple catch yourself and replace those thoughts with fabulous dreams of a peaceful and happy existence.
You're going to do great. Have a great day. Much love.
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